
I’m trying to figure out what I want to wear to Shadowcon. Heres the things I thought of:
Anna – the only problem I’d have with this is curling my hair, and it would be cold.
Arwen Wedding – it’s such a pain to wear, and the fabric on the sleeves is pulling apart – if I wear it again it will really be the end of it.
Dark Phoenix – eh.
Hild – the thought of trying to put that on and driving in it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
Imperial Officer – eh. I’m going to be doing that at MidSouthCon.
Leia – that would be ok, but just sorta eh.
Ozma – eh, I don’t think it would be appreciated.
Padme battlesuit – i’d freeze.

that’s my choices. There’s no way i’ll have parade padme done in time… what do you guys think? My top choices are my Imperial Officer, Leia, or Ozma  – but I just can’t decide. What do you guys think would work?